The top class puppies

소중한 가족을 만나는 소중한 순간~! 리얼독스와 함께하세요!

New Puppies

#작지만 #예쁘고 #건강한 #사랑스런아이들
#tiny #healthy #Lovely


Teacup Maltipoo Girl Nickname “Tori” hazelnut, vector, drawing-1149900.jpg


BREED : 말티푸(Maltipoo)

BIRTH : 23년 10월 19일생     |     GENDER : 여아(Girl)

COLOR : 크림칼라(Cream-color)

VACCINATION : 종합백신 + 코로나백신, 구충/원충 완료
VACCINATION : DHPPL + Corona and repellent, etc.

Expected weight after growth : 1.5~2kg(3.3~4.4lb)

PRICE : 문의해주세요. (Please contact us)

Premium Pet Breeder

#maltipoo #koreamaltipoo #teacupmaltipoo #teacuppuppies #puppyforsale #worldwideshipping 


얌전해요 ◁◁◁◁◁ | ▷▷▷▷▷ 활발해요

Docile ◁◁◁ | ▷▷▷ Active

배변훈련(Potty training)

부족해요 ◁◁◁◁◁ | ▷▷▷▷▷ 잘가려요

Bad   ◁◁◁ | ▷▷▷ Good

짖음정도(Level of barking)

조용해요 ◁◁◁◁◁ | ▷▷▷▷▷ 잘짖어요

No barking◁◁◁ | ▷▷▷ barks a lot

영상을 준비중입니다.
We are preparing a video.




Overseas sales process

  • Click each step to check.

We provide basic information about the puppy the customer wants, and start the sales process by checking the customer’s basic information (country, airport, etc.).

(The contract will be sent when the down payment is paid according to the sales contract.)

50% of the total sales cost (puppy price + shipping cost) is deposited as a reservation deposit. Payment methods include PayPal, overseas remittance, West Union, and credit card. After the flight reservation is confirmed according to the delivery schedule, 50% of the balance can be paid in full.

We will provide you with a photo or video of your selected pet. Or check the condition of your pet in real time through video call.

You can check your pet in good health at any time through continuous updates once or twice a week until delivery is completed.

Quarantine procedures suitable for the customer’s country, document preparation for entry approval, health management of companion animals, and additional vaccinations are carried out.

(Periodic provision of video to customers during the preparation period, real-time health check is possible)

We deliver safely and accurately to the airport designated by the customer through a professional transportation company certified by the International Air Transport Association.

(They will be transported to the nearest airport to the customer, confirm safe pick-up)

For Usa, Canada, Philippines, Thailand we can send puppy’s when they become 4 month old

  • USA (LAX JFK SFO SEA MIA DFW LAS IAD ATL) 9 airport possible
  • Canada (YVR YYZ YUL) 3 airport possible
  • Malaysia, Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand, Indo, Indoesia

In Europe, only puppies that are at least 7 months old can be imported, and shipping costs increase compared to other regions because additional documents are required.

  • Spain, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, etc.
  • Other regional and airport information may change at any time.
    Please request confirmation in advance.


리얼독스 분양시스템

100% 건강보상책임제

최소 2차접종을 마친 아이들만을 분양하며, 재정경제부에 의거한 법적 소비자보호법을 준수합니다.

반려동물 등록제 시행

동물보호법에 따라 분양시 견주의 명의로 동물등록을 완료한 후 분양합니다.(외장형무선식별장치)


새로운 환경에 빠르게 적응 할 수 있도록 배변 및 식사교육을 하며, 건사료에 완벽히 적응된 아이들만을 엄선하여 분양합니다.

보정없는 사진 및 영상

실물 그대로의 모습을 제공하기 위해 보정없는 사진과 영상을 업로드합니다. (유투브채널 realdogsTV)


온라인 동물등록 협력업체

외장형 태그인 무선식별장치로 강아지 입양시 바로 등록이 가능합니다. 리얼독스에서는 페오펫, 비마이펫 제품을 사용합니다.
해당 사이트를 방문하시면 등록이 가능합니다.

